
Lacaune breed

Origin: France

The Lacaune breed is considered the breed with the highest milk production, capable to give over 400 l. of milk rich with protein, fat and essential amino acids. Due to the structure as well as the rich taste the milk of these sheep is valued by the producers of the famous French cheese Roquefort. The Lacaune sheep have a correct body built that is significant for the breed of dairy-meat purpose. The head is not large, slightly long, chest is deep, rear body has well developed muscles. The body is evenly covered by runic thin wool of white or yellow-white color, wool yield for males is 2,5 kg, for females – 1,5 kg. Live weight of males – 80-100 kg, females – 55-75 kg.



- Endurance
- Best milk production
- Early maturity
- Meat production

Romanovskaya breed

Origin: Russia

Sheep of the Romanov breed - coarse-haired, short-tailed, meat-haired. The breed was created 200 years ago near the city of Romanov (now the Yaroslavl region, the city of Tutaev). These animals are characterized by a narrow muzzle, obliquely set sharp teeth. They have excellent adaptive abilities. Due to their stamina, they make long transitions. Wool serves as protection against heat and cold (minus 30 C).



- Early maturity and fertility;
- unpretentiousness;
- Unique quality sheepskin;
- Great yield of wool from three annual haircuts of each individual;
- High meat productivity with excellent gastronomic properties;
- The quality of nutritious and healthy milk.

Edilbaevsky breed

Origin: Kazahstan

The Edilbaevsky breed of sheep is characterized by a good physique, a rather powerful constitution and a well-developed fat tail. Sheep, as well as ewes, hornless. The chest circumference is 97-107 cm, the oblique body length is 77-83 cm, the height at the withers is 74-86 cm. The weight of the rams is 110-160 kg, the uterus is 65-100 kg. Sheep are quite early maturing and have excellent growth energy. Live weight gain per day - 195-253



- Endurance;
- ration;
- precocity;
- Meat productivity.