Dairy cattle
Holstein breed
ORIGIN: Denmark, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, USA, Canada, Australia
Holstein breed is the most widely spread dairy breed in the world and indeed holds a record for the milk production.
Holstein cattle is significant for its acclimatization and adaption potential, which is proven by the maintaining of genetic variation and high production in different environmental and climate conditions from polar regions of Alaska to the tropics of South America and Africa. It surely has its specific features in different corners of the world, but still the main qualities remain intact: high milk production and good adaption to modern industrial conditions of keeping and milking.
Jersey breed
ORIGIN: Denmark
Nowadays the Jersey breed is getting more popular, and there is no wonder about that! This breed is unique in many ways due to years of systematic breeding work aimed for the increase of health, productive life and milk quality.
The largest amount of Jersey cattle in Europe is in Denmark, over 65 000 heads.
Ayrshire breed
ORIGIN: Finland, United Kingdom
Ayrshire cattle is mostly spread on the territory of Finland and amounts to more than 140 000 heads.
Ayrshire cow is significant for its healthy functional udder and strong hooves. This breed is enduring and easily adapting to any keeping systems, is considered to be a good commercial breed. There are not many other breeds in the world capable to withstand unfavorable feeding and climate conditions.
Brown Swiss breed
ORIGIN: Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Brown Swiss breed is considered to be a double-purpose breed, it means that it can be used for both dairy and beef production. The breed is significant for its good beef and dairy productivity, early maturity, health and easy acclimatization.
Red Danish breed
ORIGIN: Denmark
Red Danish breed is considered to be a dairy and dairy-beef breed. Nowadays the Red Danish cattle is significant for the steady milk production good health and long productive life.
Simmental breed
ORIGIN: Germany, Austria, Schweiz
Simmental breed is a beef-dairy breed, it is significant for its good body constitution and proportional body build. The cattle is easily fattened and gives high quality beef. Simmental animals well adapt to any climate conditions and are very enduring.